This patient in her 50s was interested in a procedure to address excess skin around her abdomen, lift her breasts, and restore volume to her breasts and upper poles.
She underwent a mommy makeover, which included an extended tummy tuck (extended abdominoplasty), VASER 360 liposuction (VASER liposuction of the flanks, hips, lateral chest, lateral back, and upper back) and a breast lift with implants (mastopexy-augmentation). Her abdominal muscles were tightened and loose skin was removed creating a slimmer waistline and a more natural appearing belly button. She also had a breast lift and augmentation with Natrelle 330 CC moderate profile gummy bear implants to help reshape her breasts, creating a perkier and more youthful appearance. She is shown here at 6 months post op.