Brazilian Butt Lift in Anaheim Hills, CA

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What Is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

If you've ever dreamed of a rounder, fuller backside but haven't seen results through diet and exercise, a Brazilian butt lift (BBL) might be the perfect solution. It's a highly sought-after procedure, offering a natural way to achieve shapelier buttocks without using implants. The Brazilian butt lift surgery uses a technique known as precise fat transfer, where unwanted fat is removed from one area of your body and injected into the buttocks. Buttock augmentation with a Brazilian butt lift is especially popular because it produces natural-looking results using your body's own fat. People often turn to this procedure to combat the effects of aging, gravity, and genetics, which can leave the buttocks looking deflated. With a Brazilian butt lift in Anaheim Hills, CA, you can achieve the fuller, more voluptuous look you desire. Dr. Saba Motakef, a board-certified plastic surgeon, has mastered the art of the BBL, delivering stunning, long-term results for his patients.

What Are the Benefits of a Brazilian Butt Lift?

The Brazilian butt lift surgery offers more than just aesthetic improvement at Motakef Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. This surgery allows you to get rid of fat in areas you don't want it and put it where you do — your buttocks. The BBL is a holistic solution that addresses multiple cosmetic concerns at once, making it a popular choice for those seeking to enhance their body shape. Some benefits of the Brazilian butt lift for Anaheim Hills, CA-area patients include:

  • Precise fat transfer reduces unwanted fat in areas like the stomach, thighs, or hips
  • Creates a natural-looking result without the need for implants or synthetic fillers
  • Helps you achieve a balanced, proportional buttock augmentation with improved ratios between your hips and buttocks
  • Results are noticeable almost immediately after the procedure
  • The procedure uses your body's own fat, minimizing the risk of allergic reactions or complications associated with implants
  • The enhanced buttocks have a more natural feel compared to silicone implants
  • Offers a solution for those with realistic expectations who desire a fuller look but want to avoid foreign substances in their body
  • Enhances body contouring by reducing fat in unwanted areas, giving a slimmer, more toned appearance to the overall silhouette

What Is the Surgical Technique for a Brazilian Butt Lift?

The Brazilian butt lift BBL is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia, depending on your specific case. It's an outpatient surgical procedure that typically lasts between 2 to 3 hours. The process starts with a form of liposuction, where unwanted fat is removed from areas like the abdomen, thighs, or lower back — basically, any areas where you'd like to slim down. This fat is extracted carefully to ensure that it stays healthy and viable. Once the fat is removed, it's purified in a sterile, closed environment to ensure no contaminants can harm the transferred fat. After that, the fat injection process begins. The purified fat is injected into different layers of your buttocks, sculpting a fuller, rounder shape. The procedure is done with precision to ensure smooth results, and the area is massaged after each injection to ensure the final results look balanced.

This technique can provide dramatic improvements, but it's important to have realistic expectations. While the surgical procedure can create a fuller rear, it won’t necessarily address loose skin, which might require a separate treatment like a tummy tuck or other skin-tightening procedures.

Brazilian Butt Lift FAQ

Will I lose volume in my buttocks over time after a Brazilian butt lift?
Some loss of volume is normal in the initial weeks after your Brazilian butt lift as not all of the transferred fat cells will survive. Typically, around 60-80% of the transferred fat will remain long term. That's why your surgeon will often overfill your buttocks slightly during the procedure to account for this natural reduction. After the initial healing phase, the remaining fat cells will integrate into your body's natural tissue and provide lasting volume. Keeping a stable weight is important to maintain your results.

Is there a risk of fat being reabsorbed after a Brazilian butt lift?
Yes, there is a possibility that some of the transferred fat may be reabsorbed by your body during the healing process. However, this is normal and expected to a certain degree. Following post-op instructions closely will help maximize fat retention. This includes avoiding sitting directly on your buttocks for a few weeks and wearing compression garments. Your surgeon will inject the fat in layers to increase the chance of the fat cells surviving. Most patients find their final results satisfying and long-lasting.

How long does it take to see the final results of a Brazilian butt lift?
You’ll notice a difference in your buttocks immediately after the procedure, but it’s important to remember that your body will go through a healing process. Swelling is common in the first few weeks, so your final shape will gradually reveal itself over the next few months. Generally, patients see their final results after about 3-6 months. During this time, the transferred fat cells will settle, and you’ll notice a more permanent improvement in the fullness and shape of your buttocks.

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Enhance Your Curves

The Brazilian butt lift has become a go-to procedure for those who want a fuller, shapelier rear without relying on implants. It allows you to both slim down your body in the areas you don't want fat and plump up your buttocks in a safe, natural way. If you've been dreaming of a curvier silhouette and are ready to explore a natural approach to buttock augmentation, a Brazilian butt lift in Anaheim Hills, CA, could be just what you're looking for. Contact Motakef Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery to learn how a Brazilian butt lift BBL can enhance your buttocks and help you achieve your body goals. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Saba Motakef can guide you through the process and deliver stunning, long-term results tailored to your vision.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.