What Type Of Tummy Tuck Is A Fit For You?
For men and women considering body contouring surgery, there is, arguably, no procedure more popular – or transformative – than the tummy tuck. This life-changing surgery can help patients finally eliminate excess skin on the abdomen that may have been bothering them for years as a result of pregnancy, weight loss, or aging. Most of us are somewhat familiar with how a tummy tuck works and what results are possible, but you may be surprised to learn that there are actually several different types of tummy tucks.
Award-winning Anaheim Hills, CA plastic surgeon Dr. Saba Motakef and the incredible team at Motakef Plastic Surgery + Med Spa offer highly personalized care and custom-tailored procedures, including tummy tuck, to give you the stunning, sculpted body you’ve always dreamed of. Discover your various options for tummy tuck in Orange County here.
What does a tummy tuck do?
The fundamental purpose of tummy tuck surgery, formally known as abdominoplasty, is to create a slimmer, smoother, and more sculpted abdominal contour. This is primarily achieved through the removal of loose, excess skin, which is often a consequence of pregnancy, aging, or significant weight loss. The benefits of tummy tuck don’t stop at skin removal, though. Some of the most exciting enhancements and improvements that can be made with a tummy tuck include:
- Flatter, firmer, smoother midsection
- Eliminate stretch marks
- Correct diastasis recti (separated abdominal muscles)
- Eliminate pooch or pouch
- Fix a hernia
- Improve urinary continence
- Reposition belly button
What are the different types of tummy tuck?
Most often, patients are able to achieve their desired results with a traditional tummy tuck, also known as a full tummy tuck. During full tummy tuck surgery, Dr. Motakef will place a lengthy horizontal incision just above the pubic area, which will allow him to access the structures underneath, including the muscles. Once the muscles have been repositioned or tightened, if needed, the excess skin will be excised, and Dr. Motakef will re-drape the remaining skin tightly over the abdomen for a smooth, slim contour.
For some patients, a slightly different version of the procedure may be more appropriate. During your initial consultation, Dr. Motakef will evaluate your specific concerns, assess the severity of your needs, and determine whether a full tummy tuck, extended tummy tuck, reverse tummy tuck (upper abdominoplasty), or mini tummy tuck may be most appropriate for you. In addition, complementary procedures, such as liposuction, may be recommended to further enhance your overall results.
What is an extended tummy tuck?
An extended tummy tuck involves a lengthier incision that extends around the hips. Extended tummy tuck surgery is more appropriate for men and women who have a great deal of hanging or sagging excess skin. This commonly applies to patients who have achieved a tremendous amount of weight loss. Like a full tummy tuck, an extended tummy tuck will also involve an incision around the belly button so that it can be repositioned to a more natural point on the abdomen.
What is a mini tummy tuck?
A mini tummy tuck is becoming more and more popular in Orange County, CA, in part because it involves a much smaller scar and less extensive recovery than a full tummy tuck. However, this limits the amount of skin that can be removed during the procedure. Patients who have mild complaints, such as a small amount of excess abdominal skin or wrinkling, may be good candidates for the mini tummy tuck.
Can I get liposuction at the same time as tummy tuck?
Yes. In fact, some amount of liposuction is nearly always performed during tummy tuck surgery to remove small pockets of stubborn fat and give the patient an even smoother, sleeker result.
Find out which tummy tuck is right for you in Orange County, CA
The best way to determine which procedure(s) can help you achieve your goals is to be evaluated by a highly qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeon. If you are tired of hiding under baggy t-shirts and feeling self-conscious about your excess abdominal skin, we invite you to call the friendly team at Motakef Plastic Surgery + Med Spa to schedule your private tummy tuck consultation in Anaheim Hills, CA with internationally recognized plastic surgeon Dr. Saba Motakef. Let us help you restore the body you once had or sculpt the body you’ve always wanted!