Will My Breast Implants Change Shape If I Lose Weight?
Most people experience periods of weight fluctuation throughout their lives. For women, in particular, certain life events – including pregnancy – bring about inevitable weight change. If you currently have breast implants or are considering breast augmentation, you may be wondering how changes in your weight will affect the size and shape of your implants. Use this helpful information from award-winning plastic surgeon Dr. Saba Motakef and the expert team at Motakef Plastic Surgery + Med Spa in Anaheim Hills, CA to better understand how gaining or losing weight may or may not impact the cosmetic results of a breast augmentation with implants.
What options do I have for breast augmentation?
The majority of breast augmentation procedures are completed using synthetic breast implants, the two most common types of which are saline and silicone gel. A third option, referred to as fat transfer breast augmentation, utilizes a patient’s own fat to increase breast volume and is often selected by women who prefer a more natural alternative to breast implants. During your initial consultation for breast implants in Anaheim Hills, Dr. Motakef will discuss your concerns and goals, explain the difference between saline and silicone gel breast implants, and help you decide which type of breast implant is best for you.
How long do breast implants last?
While synthetic breast implants are not meant to last a lifetime, most women can expect their implants to last for at least ten years or longer before a breast implant revision or replacement may be needed. However, there are certain scenarios and/or complications that may lead to the need for a revision procedure earlier than that, including:
- Breast implant rupture
- Implant displacement
- Bottoming out
- Change in personal preference
- Breast implant illness
Will losing weight make my breast implants smaller?
Unlike the results of fat transfer to the breast, which can be significantly impacted by weight fluctuation, breast implants themselves will maintain their original shape and size regardless of changes in the patient’s weight. However, this does not necessarily mean the cosmetic outcome of a breast augmentation with implants is permanent. Because there is a great deal of fat and other tissue that makes up the breast contour, losing or gaining weight can change a woman’s overall appearance, despite the fact that her breast implants will remain the same size and shape as they started. Furthermore, weight loss specifically often leaves patients with stretched-out skin that can cause the breast implants to sag, resulting in a different breast position.
How can I get perkier breasts after weight loss with implants?
If you have lost weight and notice that your breasts appear smaller or droopier, even though you have implants, you may be a good candidate for breast lift surgery. This popular body contouring procedure does not change the volume of the breasts or breast implants themselves. Instead, breast lift surgery aims to reshape the breasts and restore a perkier, more youthful breast position. For women who have experienced a negative change in their perceived breast implant shape or size after weight loss, a breast lift can be a fantastic option.
Feel feminine and sexy at any weight with breast enhancement surgery in Anaheim Hills, CA
Whether you have recently lost weight or are hoping to lose weight in the future but have concerns about how weight loss will affect your breast implants, our knowledgeable team has the answers and solutions you’re searching for. To learn more about the connection between weight fluctuation and breast implants, call Motakef Plastic Surgery + Med Spa to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Anaheim Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Saba Motakef today.