How Does a Facelift Impact Facial Expressions and Muscle Movement?

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Facelift surgery is an incredibly popular cosmetic procedure, offering patients the opportunity to restore a more youthful, vibrant look at almost any age. Still, men and women considering facelift surgery may have questions or even concerns about how facelift results will look. Specifically, a common concern for many facelift patients is whether the surgery will affect their ability to make natural facial expressions or if it will result in a tight, artificial appearance.

Fortunately, with today's advanced facelift techniques, you can achieve beautiful, natural-looking facelift results that largely preserve your facial movement and expressions. Rather than looking "wind-blown" or "overdone," a successful facelift should enhance your natural features, restore a more youthful look, and allow you to make natural facial expressions with ease.

At Motakef Plastic Surgery + Med Spa in Anaheim Hills, CA, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Saba Motakef is highly experienced in the complexities and nuances of facelift surgery, including advanced techniques that help to ensure the most natural-looking facelift result possible. Keep reading to learn more about how facelift surgery impacts your facial expressions and muscle movement, as well as the different types of facelifts that may help you achieve the younger-looking appearance you desire.

What does a facelift do?

Formally known as rhytidectomy, the facelift is a surgical procedure designed to reduce signs of aging on the face and neck. Facelift surgery works by lifting and tightening the skin and underlying muscles, which helps to smooth out deep wrinkles and restore a youthful contour to the face. Depending on your specific concerns and goals, Dr. Motakef will recommend a facelift technique that provides the most natural and effective outcome possible. In some cases, facelift surgery may be combined with additional treatments or procedures — such as fat grafting, liposuction, or cosmetic injectables — to help patients achieve an even more natural-looking and complete transformation.

What are the different types of facelifts?

There are several kinds of facelifts offered today, each of which is designed to target specific areas of the face and address various signs of aging. Dr. Motakef is happy to offer a comparison of facelift types. Some of the most popular Orange County facelift surgeries include:

  • Full facelift
  • Mid-facelift
  • Lower facelift
  • Mini facelift

Will my facelift results look natural?

One of the most common concerns patients have about facelift surgery is whether their results will look natural. Some people worry about looking "pulled" or too tight after facelift surgery, but with Dr. Motakef's expertise in advanced facelift techniques, you can join the many patients who have achieved strikingly natural-looking outcomes. Dr. Motakef takes great care to perform facelifts that preserve facial expressions and muscle movement by lifting and tightening the deeper layers of tissue and muscle rather than simply pulling the skin. This helps to create a refreshed and rejuvenated look that enhances your natural beauty without compromising your facial features.

How much younger will I look after a facelift?

Patients who undergo facelift surgery can look significantly younger after their procedure. On average, a facelift can make individuals appear 10 – 15 years younger by addressing sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and a loss of volume. The improvements made with a facelift can also help restore self-confidence and leave you feeling more refreshed and vibrant overall. Still, it's important to keep in mind that how much younger you look with facelift surgery will depend on a number of individual factors, including what kind of facelift is performed, the extent of your facial aging, and others.

Does facelift change your smile?

A well-performed facelift should not impact your ability to make natural facial expressions or move your facial muscles. The primary goal of facelift surgery is to lift and tighten the deeper layers of the face while maintaining muscle function and natural movement. Dr. Motakef uses precise techniques that target the underlying muscles and tissues without altering the expression-producing muscles, so you'll still be able to smile, frown, and make all the normal facial expressions that make you who you are—– just in a more youthful way.

Cosmetic work can be your best-kept secret with a natural-looking facelift in Orange County, CA

If you're considering a facelift but are concerned about maintaining natural facial expressions and movement, one of the most important things you can do is choose a highly experienced plastic surgeon who specializes in natural-looking facelift results. At Motakef Plastic Surgery + Med Spa, Anaheim Hills, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Saba Motakef is dedicated to providing beautiful, customized facelifts that enhance your appearance without making you look artificial or overworked. To learn more about how a facelift can transform your look and improve your confidence, contact our office to schedule a private consultation with Dr. Motakef today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.